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About Me

Developer & Adventurer

Hello, my name is Trong Ong. I am a student at Youngstown State Unviversity studying Information Technology, focusing on developement. During the early years of my college education, I was a nursing student; dwelling on the devotion for human health and longetivity. A passion to help. As time moves on and acquiring a rollercoast of information, I came to a realization that my passion of health fell short. During that four years, I felt something was missing, a category that does not define who I desire to be. Through contemplation, I decided that I wished to be part of human's technological advancement. A place of creativity, problem solving, and exploration. This change of heart aligned with my daily activity and pique's my interest.

Through a rollercoaster of self-study and the teachings from my Unveristy, the most difficult and frustrating wall was the yearn of doing everything; knowing everything. A double blade of frustation of time and a passion for creation

Outside of my studies, I enjoy the calm exploration of the wonders of the world. The provision of what mother nature has provided for us, along with human creation and creativities around the world.

[ Expectations are only the limit of your imagination ]